Wednesday, February 17, 2021

A Historically Correct Hearty Meal

Ah, nothing like the aroma of a morning repast of a freshly-harvested claw of a bear combined with with the aroma of that essential nectar, coffee. However, guests to this campfire are asked to not comment on the non-stick, folding frying pan sitting next to a blue, granite ware coffee pot. Far be it for me to cast aspersions*, our mountain man personas are a mixture of technologies and techniques from the seventeenth century forward, and since we're all here to have fun, we give a nod to convenience and savor the experience of getting a bit closer to the way life on the frontier really was. It is in this spirit that I present another of the Townsend videos on 18th century cooking, and invite you to spend a few minutes seeing how it was REALLY done!

How about a cup of coffee? 

*It's no secret the I am not a camper, and prefer the comforts of indoor plumbing to the traditional blue "comfort station" of the modern campsite.

Code: food01