Wednesday, August 9, 2023

All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go

When first getting started in Buckskinning, it's very easy to run off and buy whatever clothing you can find. Calico shirts, cotton drill drop-front pants, and expensive moccasins all seem appropriate at the time, but it is important to give some thought to your persona before embarking on an expensive shopping adventure.

Instead of buying a bunch of expensive clothing for your first Rendezvous, just buy the basics, and then have a look around at your fellow 'skinners. It is easy to get overwhelmed when you see all of the great clothing and accessories that your new friends are wearing, but remember that all of their equipment was acquired after years of collecting.

Always start off simple, and then the more you get into the hobby, the more you can start to really build your wardrobe to match whatever time period or style you come to like the most.

Some good things to start with are:

  • Calico or unbleached cotton drop-front shirt
  • Fall-front or drop-front trousers
  • Inexpensive moccasins (nothing with rubber soles!!)
  • A belt (leather with brass period-correct buckle)

There are some other items that might be good to have depending on what the weather is expected to be, but it is best to start simple. Ask questions when you see something at Rendezvous that interests you. As a whole, buckskinners are a friendly lot and are excited to help any greenhorns (beginners) getting started in the hobby.

For the ladies, it would be good to start with a simple calico dress and some inexpensive moccasins. Click here for an earlier SVML post.

Although no one can deny how great buckskin dresses look, make sure you are really interested in a Native American persona before diving into such a sizable investment.

Here are some great places to acquire the elements of your first outfit:

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Code: clothing01