Monday, April 29, 2024

The Battle of Boonville - May 18 and 19, 2024

Civil War Reenactments are fairly common in California, even though there were no major battles fought in the state. However, there will be a Civil War reenactment scheduled on the Marie Hill Ranch, our home stomping grounds. Also, member Chuck Hoffman is the Event Coordinator, so if you have the time, give him, and American Civil War Association, a hearty "Huzzah!" and attend the event. To read the Press Democrat's read on the event, click here.

For the record, California does have some connections with the Civil War. The Washoe House, a bar and restaurant in Petaluma, listed Ulysses Grant as a guest when he traveled eastward from his California posting to eventually become the hero of Donaldson, and along with William Tecumseh Sherman and Juan Carlos Buell, go on to defeat P.G.T. Beauregard at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862. 

I have included some photographs that I made at the 2012 event when it was held in Duncan's Mills near the Russian River. It was quite the spectacle, and I strongly suggest that you attend, if you can. Two mock battles are scheduled for Saturday AND Sunday (total of four), so there's no excuse not to attend.