Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Char Cloth - A Fire Starting Essential

I don't think I've posted anything on fire starting skills necessary for survival on the frontier. First, let's consider Char Cloth, an essential for successfully making fire with flint and steel. 

Get yours here.
While char cloth can be purchased on Amazon (surprise!), making your own can be a lot of fun. Remember that natural fibers (punk wood) also makes good char, and is readily available if you take the time to look for it.

Fire starting kits, complete with flint, steel, and a tin container that can double as a char-cooker, can be purchased here. While Coal Cracker Bushcraft produces some videos, I still think that Townsends produces the best videos about eighteenth century living, bar none.

Here are some fire starting essentials.

Don't forget the the Fire Start Point is part of the Rifle Trail Walk, so get your flint and steel, some char cloth, and practice!

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